If anyone knows my Amelia, they know she is absolutely obsessed with Taylor Swift. Last year, she had the privlege of going to her first concert. I wasn't really able to take her (I was still nursing Addison, and since she refused to take a bottle I needed to stay home) so my mom took her, and they had a blast.
So not long after Taylor's 2009 tour was over, she announced she was extending her show and right away, my sister purchased tickets. For MONTHS, Amelia has been looking forward to seeing Taylor perform again, and on Wednesday night her long wait was over! This time, I really wanted to go with Amelia. I'm not a big Swift fan, and honestly, the idea of a bunch of screaming teenage girls (all dressed in dresses with cowboy boots) didn't really sound fun to me, but I knew getting to do something that my Amelia loves would be priceless. And priceless it was. When I saw Amelia's face when Taylor first came out, I was so excited for her I teared up a little. I know, it sounds dumb. But I couldn't help it. Seeing your child SO happy is just the best feeling in the world.
Before showing a few pictures, I just have to say that I wish I had taken my (good) camera. I took my old p&s that I gave to Amelia, and I am ashamed to say I had trouble working it! I am just so use to my DSLR that the pictures I took aren't the best (not to mention I was being pushed and elbowed by crazed fans and holding onto my girl, protecting her for dear life. I even had to get a tad bit nasty with some teeny bopper boys, what mom wouldn't?) ;) Anyway, our seats were right after the floor seats, and in the middle of her performance, Taylor comes out in the crowd to perform some songs. Well, she was RIGHT in FRONT of us. When she was making her way to the stage, she walked right in front of where Amelia and I were smushed up against the gate, and Amelia came SO, SO close to touching her hand. It was pretty cool. And I gotta give it to the girl, she put on one hell of a show. So while she may get on my nerves a little, I would definately see her in concert again. Here are a few images from me and Amelia's special night out together!

my baby singing her heart out :)
some of the confetti that was shooting out over us!