Amelia has been asking everyday if we could make some turkey cookies out of her hands. (we saw it on nick jr.!) It was a chore to trace Addison's hand for her cookies, but so worth it. They all turned out super adorable!! This was Amelia's face when I asked her if she was excited to start baking!

mmmmm, cream cheese icing!

(we forgot their beaks! and I forgot legs on one of Addison's turkeys...oops!) :]

I am so thankful for my family and friends. I am especially thankful for all their support and encouragement they continue to pour out to me, you are all amazing and I am blessed to have you in my life! Thank you so much!!!!
I am thankful for all our men overseas who continue to fight for our country. You guys rock.
I am thankful to my clients for trusting me with their family photos! You guys rock too.
I know my kids are included in the first sentence, but I just gotta say....they are so amazing and beautiful and I am most thankful to God for blessing me with them. They are smart, healthy, and loved SO much, and I can't ask for much more than that.
I hope everyone has/had a great Thanksgiving!